*Hoy tengo un par de tarjetas, esta fue hecha con papeles y stickers con glitter GCD studios use la Cricut para hacer la fresa (cartucho indie art), algunos cristales de Zva Creative, alpha letter stickers de Making memories y el border punch deFiskars.
*And next this card is just a little something made with lots of paper scraps and some embellies that were on my scrap table :)
*Y a continuacion una tarjeta que hice con muchos recortes de papel y adornitos que tenia en mi mesa de scrap :)
Thanks for stop by and thank you to the girls from 2Sketches 4U, I made the top 30!!! congrats to all the other girls that made the top 30 to!!!! :)
*And I found a video of one of those bands that were popular in Mexico in the late 80's when I was in high school I can't believe it has been such a long time... I remember that they went to the shcool to give a live show :P ...
*Y hablando de fresas, me encontre un video de un grupo musical de Mexico que fue popular a finales de los 80's en mi epoca de secundaria ! no puedo creer que haya pasado tanto tiempo... me acuerdo que fueron a dar un show a la escuela :P ...
Have a great day!! :)
Que tengan bello dia!! :)
Bety, MIL GRACIAS POR EL ENORME PAQUETE QUE ME MANDASTE!!! Thanks soooooooooooo much for the gigantic prize you sent me! My mail carrier even told me, "you got a very heavy one here!!!!"
and WOW Magneto!!!! I remember them, i use to sing and dance their songs!!!
hola betty, de nuevo felicidades por estarne el top 30!!!!! y me encantan tus tarjetas, haber cuando te mochas con una eeh! saludos ÜÜÜ
- Preciosas como siempre.... la primera refrescante y veraniega.... la segunda dulce y elegante....gracias por mostrarlas...
Congratulations with making the top 30! Very deserved.
me encantó la fresa.
Hi Bety, Great cards! :) thanks for sharing with us. congrats on the well deserved place in the TOP 30! You should be #one place.
(What is the song about in the video?)
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