*Oh yes there is no place like home even when I think I still need more vacation ;)... It feels good to be back home ... and talking about home here is a little tag that I just love! I made it a few months ago and it was published in the January/February 2009 issue of Paper Crafts, I use paper scraps, some are Webster's pages & K & Company, that little key is from Maya Road I think is just sooooooo cute!!
And the next card was featured also in a magazine it is part of 3 projects that i made for Scrapate a Spanish e zine, thanks Manoli for the nice interview! you can check the magazine here.

*Y las dejo con una probadita de algo adorable y dulce... pueden adivinar de que se trata?...
Have a great day!! thanks for your sweet comments :)
Que tengan un bello dia!! gracias por sus lindos comentarios :)
Oh my goodness Beatriz...how yummy!!! The home tag is just beautiful and the christmas card...just gorgeous!! Oh I love it all. :)
That is just the sweetest card! I love the homeliness of this. Not commented for ages, I'm such a naughty lurker! Thanks for sharing your work, it continues to be inspiring. Have a blessed 2009!
wowww que hermosoo me encanta todo la verdad que estoy hace unos dias en esto sólo mirando y mirando y estoy fascinada con tu trabajo ... felicitaciones , besos desde Chile .. Isa
Por favor, qué casita más adorable!
Yo quiero una tarjeta como esa!!
Es precioso todo lo que haces, te he descubierto hace poco y eres uno de mis mayores descubrimientos... Me encantas!
HI Betty!
Me voy a quedar muy pronto sin adjetivos para describir tus creaciones! WOW, you are soooo talented!!!!
The little house is just precious.
I recently order my first card kit in your store and I can't wait to get it!!!
Acaso esa probadita es de un layout kit? :)
very cute house tag, love the little key charm and all!
Love the big red buttons with the pretty bows too, so sweet!
Bety... You konw that your cards are wonderful!! I love the house!!!
A very happy 2009!!!
You will do a giveaway??? Kkkkkkk
awesome bety...you rock girl..hugs
I have that magazine and I just love this tag!! Good Job!! Beautiful :-)
Fabulous tag and card!! Beautiful!
Could it be a new Valentine card kit???
That home tag is so sweet and the Christmas card is gorgeous!
Gorgeous as are all your creations!!
oh these are just fabulous!!!! I have an issue of papercrafts and some of your beautiful work is in it :) x
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