A card made a few days ago for a DT entry, I was not "lucky" enough to be part of that DT oh well...

But today I'm happy, I received good news from one of my favorite magazines! more published projects soon ;) ... anyway I hope you like this card, have a great day and thanks for your sweet comments! hugs :)
*Una tarjeta hecha hace unos dias para un llamado de Equipo de disen~o, no fui lo suficientemente "suertuda"como para ser parte del equipo. ni hablar ...
Pero estoy feliz hoy por que recibi buenas noticias por parte de una de mis revistas favoritas! mas trabajos publicados pronto ;) ...en fin espero que les guste la tarjeta, que tengan un bello dia y gracias por sus comentarios! abrazos :)
No hubo suerte esta vez pero seguro que te va a acompañar, tus trabajos son muuuuy buenos. No hay tarjeta tuya que no me guste.
Well, I think it's a very GRAND card Bety....Congrats on being published again!!!!
A mi me gustó mucho, lastima no lograr... pero lo de la revista es buenisimo, felicitaciones, espero un día tener mis páginas en una revista tambien! Grande beso, buen fin de semana, Tati - Brasil
I love this card - love the colour combo..strong and pale - lovely! Congratulations on your new publications! You'll be snapped up by other DT's - for sure! bx
Your stitching is always so perfect! Lovely card Bety!!
Beautiful card Bety, and congrats on getting published :) x
Your work is amazing Betsy!!
Lovely card!
Have a nice day Bety :)
Wow, you have a great style! Thanks for the comment on my blog...that's how I discovered *your* great blog! :) I am going to put it into my favorites so I can visit again!
this is awesome......congrats on another pub.....you rock girl...
Gorgeous card. Congrats on getting published in one of your fav mags. Of course you'll be snapped up to another design team very soon. All your creations are beautiful! JC.
Well I love it!!!
Congrats on being published again!
So very pretty, love the papers and that strip of ribbon/lace!
I wouldnt worry about making it to a design team Bety ! You work rawks & delights all the time ! Getting published is even more fun I think !
Congratulations on your being published news! I think this card is fantastic!
Que pena que no te hayan escojido ellos se lo pierden.Muchas felicidades por la buena noticia.Me encanta la tarjeta ya sabes soy tu fans.
Beautiful, love that trim!
Wowowow, muy linda!!!!!!!!! Me encanta como luce la cinta, o como se llame!!! Más trabajos publicados? seguro en Paper Crafts!!! Ya quiero verrrrrrrrrrr hehehehe
Bety, you call this "just another card?" I call it "radiantly beautiful!" If I had a Design Team, you would certainly be part of it! Congratulations on being published!
I love your work the cards are stunning
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