Monday, December 11, 2006

"Love" heart box

*I made the box with chipboard and cardsotck, then I decorate with provo craft Paper, silk flowers, Offray ribon, and 2 little charms. Hope you like this box! see you soon! *Hice esta caja con "chipboard" y cartulina, despues decore con papel provo craft, flores de seda, liston Offray, y dos pequen~os dijes. Espero que les guste esta caja! nos vemos pronto!


Gillian said...

Hi Bety,
It's gorgeous..... Love those papers.. It's sure to be a treasure.

Flower said...

Like it? I LOVE it! Thank you for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous box!

Laurie and Chris said...

I love this heart shaped box I will have to get one the next time I am in a craft store.

Chris Millar said...

Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments!! Love this heart box! Your work is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

C'est très joli. Bravo

Godelieve said...

How beautiful is this!! I'm a box-freak, and I love to see projects like this. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Another cutie little box... Your work is so elegant !

Lisa Carroll said...

This is GORGEOUS! I love everything about it. Thanks for sharing! :)

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