And lots of Christmas cards... I have made LOTS of these, I just can't get enough of them! and talking about Christmas I am almost done with my decoration... is the 1st year that I am going to spend the holidays here... first time that I won't be able to go to Mexico, I am a little sad because of that... anyway I want to show you a few of my favorite cards , the first one was made with lots of paper scraps and the stamp (sentiment) from Melissa Frances that I love.

Next this CUTE card... the Gingerbread man is my favorite die cut from sizzix I got it a few years ago at the scrapbook expo and I LOVE IT :)

Y mas tarjetas de Navidad el dia de hoy ... y hablando de Navidad ya casi termino con mi decoracion ...este sera el primer año que paso las fiestas aqui en USA , no iremos a Mexico y eso me pone un poco triste ... en fin... mejor les muestro algunas tarjetas que hice recientemente, la primera esta hecha con retazos de papel, algo de chipboard y el sello es de Melissa Frances.
Despues la bella atarjeta con ese Hombre de gengibre ... es mi die cut favorito de sizzix lo compre hace un par de años en el scrapbook expo y me ENCANTA :)

And more cards made with paper scraps the cute vintage image is from my collection, some girls have been asking where do I get the Vintage images... well I have spend several hours browsing the net looking for them, some are from designerdigitals.com, and most of them are from the result of browsing blogs or free Vintage image web sites, just google "Free vintage images" ;)

y MAS tarjetas hechas con retazoz de papel la imagen vintage es de mi coleccion, algunas chicas me preguntan que de donde son las imagenes vintage que uso la verdad es que son el resultado de pasar horas "surfeando" por internet en busca de
Vintage images algunas son de designerdigitals.com, otras las he visto en blogs o en websites donde hay imagenes vintage gratis solo busquen en google "Free vintage images" ;)
Have a great day!
Que tengan un bello dia!

Hola Beatriz! Me encantan tu tarjetas…estan super bonitas! I especially love the color scheme on the “lots of love” card and I must agree with you that your Ginergerbread man is totally adorable!! Me allegro de haber encontrado tu blog. Ciao!
Oh my goodness these are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing! You have quite a talent.
Hola Betty!
Es precioso el die del Gingerbread Man, tus tarjetas siempre divinas.
Saluditos :)
Cute cards! I love that Gingerbread man. :)
Wow! Super card :)
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