
Wednesday, April 06, 2011


 When I start with this blog a few years ago (5) one of the first and favorite sites to visit was: Keisha Campbell (and of course is still one of my favorite places to check often) I saw a cute project she made with chipboard tags, and also she inspired me to start sewing on chipboard! and believe me is so fun!
 so I create this tag book with some tags I had for a long time and others that I cut by myself, I use lots of Shimmerz for both tags, I paint them distressed and sprinkled with Vibez Pop art pink
*in one of the comments the other day one girl asked about the stamp frame I use, is actually a sizzix die I found at Michael's and it was on sale for $5!!!

 the vintage images I use for both tag books are; Sweet Cakes and Nests and Postcards
for some embellishments I use Blingz, one of my favorite is Pixie dust, one thing I love about Blingz is that you can add it to your chipboard (or paper, card stock etc) and it is like a thin coat that will stay and it gives a nice shine/sparkle without using glue, or spray adhesive

well I hope you have a great day! I will be back with more creations soon! ;)


  1. These are so sweet! You truly have a gift for creating beautiful things. Love to visit your blog :)

  2. So much detail, it's just gorgeous Beatriz!

  3. WOW! Очень-очень красиво!!!

  4. Betty,
    you never fail me!!!
    Siempre que te visito tienes cosas maravillosas!!!

  5. stunning as always, beautiful colors and details. Super inspiration.

  6. Gorgeous tags, such lovely embellishing, love the sparkle, lace and little touches you bring to them!

  7. I am drooling over these tags right now! just beautiful.

  8. Just Amazing!
    For the inspiration I present You such gift Thank You very much!


*I want to let you all know how much your comments mean to me....thank you!
*Quiero que sepan que sus comentarios son muy importantes para mi... gracias!